Whoever looks for religion will find religion...

Whoever looks for religion, is going to find religion. But whoever looks for the truth - wholeheartedly - is going to find Jesus Christ. Christianity is not about religion or human doctrine, but a living relationship with the living God. This gift has been given to us through God's Grace in Jesus Christ. God wants a relationship with you. He called Moses his friend and Jesus also told us in the new testament that we are his "Friends". It is not about dry and boring rules and nerve wrecking laws like in Islam or other religions, that have had an impact on this world and are constantly trying to distract people from the truth. It is simply about a relationship with God, that at the same time saves you from eternal damnation. Isn't this just amazing?

How can you be a part of the Family of Jesus Christ?

Jesus Christ wants, that every person in this world, no matter what country their from, no matter what occupation they have, no matter how they look like, whether they are big, small, rich, poor, young or old, he wants everyone to come to him and for them to accept him in their hearts. We all are Children of God (Galatians 3, Vers 26-29: "Because you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For all those of you who were given baptism into Christ did put on Christ. There is no Jew or Greek, servant or free, male or female: because you are all one in Jesus Christ. And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's seed, and yours is the heritage by the right of God's undertaking given to Abraham.") and we have the greatest luck of all to have a Father in heaven who watches out for us, every day, every minute and every second.


And because Jesus wants you to follow him so badly, it isn't hard to do that at all. The only thing you have to do is open up your heart for Jesus, repent sincerely from the bottom of your heart and ask him to forgive your sins. Ask him to come into your life and to be with you forever from this day on. Jesus himself wishes for nothing more than this. If you are ready to give your life to Jesus Christ, our Messia, who is the only one who can save you, then please say this prayer:


"Heavenly father, I come here before you through your Son Jesus Christ. I am a sinner. I have wronged you and your commandments. I ask you to forgive all my sins and everything I've done. I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins and that he was raised from the dead three days later. I believe that he will soon come back to judge everyone in this world. I ask you Jesus, come into my heart and take me in. I want to give my life to you. Please be with me from now on and forever. Amen."


It is important to die in the Spirit and to be born again. Everything old will then perish and everything broken will be made anew. Everything is possible in Christ Jesus. Jesus will mend you and heal everything that's been broken.


If you have any questions, you can always ask us, but firstly always ask the Lord.

What is going to happen next?


When you are a Christian it is important to constantly work on maintaining you relationship with the Father. Read his Word (Bible) daily and speak to him in prayer. You don't have to have praying marathons. The Lord knows your life, he knows your occupation, he knows all the things you do. He knows everything you want to ask of him before you even speak. The only thing that he ever asks of you is for you to intensively make time to spend with him. Some people make it a habit to pray in the morning right after they wake up or before they go to sleep. You can find your own solution that fits your life perfectly. You will notice how your life will change for the better. If you show gratitude in everything you do it also displays a wonderful way of worship and your love for the Lord. God watches over you and he will never let anything bad happen to you ever. Even if you find yourself in problematic times, he will always get you through them.


Further details for a companionship with the most high can be found under the tab "Ground Rules for Christians".