God's Feast Days - His true Feast Days

So many Christians, we dare to say 98%, don't even know which feast days belong to the Lord and which are made up pagan holidays inspired by the devil. God revealed his feast days to us in the Old Testament. Nowadays there are so many irritating and false rumors going around, that all those feast days are jewish feast days. People tend to think that because the jewish people are the only ones that actually still know how to keep God's feast days. Christians have been following wrong teachings, traditions and doctrines for hundreds of years, without even starting to think and wonder if those traditions even make sense. We want to give you a small survey of God's feast days so you know which are His and which aren't, so that you may know them. 


Important note: We are living under the Law of Grace as we have been saved by Jesus Christ. This means that we are not to celebrate God's Feast days from the Torah (5 Books of Moses) as Jesus has already fulfilled the law with his first coming. Still it does not hurt to know God's true Feast Days. 

God's calendar is a little different from ours:

As well as his weekdays...

Jesus and his apostles have always kept God's feast days:

Name of the Feast Day

Passover / Passah











Unleavend Bread / Chag Hamotzi 






Pentecost / Shawuot




 Feast of Trumpets / Rosch ha-Schana / Yom Teruah



Atonement / Yom Kippur



Feast of Tabernacles / Sukkot



8th Day of the Feast of Tabernacles / Schmini Azeret

Revealed in the old Testament

3. Mose 23, Vers 5











3. Mose 23, Vers 6-8






3. Mose 23, Vers 15-21




3. Mose 23, Vers 23-25




3. Mose 23, Vers 26-32



3. Mose 23, Vers 33-43




3. Mose 23, Vers 36

Kept in the new Testament

Matthew 26, Vers 2

Matthew 26, Vers 17-19

Mark 14, Vers 12-16

Luke 2, Vers 41-42

Luke 22, Vers 1

Luke 7, Vers 20

John 2, Vers 13

John 2, Vers 23

John 6, Vers 4

John 13, Vers 1-30


Matthew 26, Vers 17

Mark 14, Vers 12

Luke 22, Vers 1 und 7

Apostelgeschichte 20, Vers 6

1. Korinther 5, Vers 6-8


Acts 2, Vers 1-21

Acts 20, Vers 16

1. Corinthians 16, Vers 8


Matthew 24, Vers 30-31

1. Thessalonians4, Vers 16-17

Revelation 11, Vers 15


Acts 27, Vers 9



John 7, Vers 1-2, 8, 10, 14

Acts 18, Vers 21



John 7, Vers 37


Sabbath / Shabbat - not just for jewish people

Over and over again we hear from all sorts of people that Sabbath itself is "not that important". But God even gave us one commandment to keep the Sabbath day holy (4th Commandment) as an unapologetical duty - through many generations. The Sabbath day is important as it is holy to the Lord. Also, Sabbath is not on Sunday, as it has been called holy by the emperor Konstantine in the year 321 AD in order to praise the sun god. It is a pagan holiday and does not praise the most high. His day of honor remains on Saturday. Therefore please pay attention to this and keep the Sabbath day holy, as Jesus always and already did 2000 years ago. Sabbath begins with the sunset on Friday and ends with the sunset on Saturday. In biblical timing a new day starts with the sunset and ends with the sunset the next day (Genesis 1, Vers 5; Joshua 8, Vers 29; 2. Chronicles 18, Vers 34). The days are being counted "from evening to the next evening" (Leviticus 23, Vers 32). Therefore all of God's feast days begin the night before. 

Pagan and satanic holidays that are neither from nor for God but are inspired by the Devil:

For hundreds of years, even thousands of years, people - also Christians - have been following the wrong traditions and celebrate feasts that are pagan and in most cases even satanic. To find out which feast days are for and from God, you just have to observe whether Jesus and his apostles celebrated them or not. If he didn't, well then those feast days are made up feast days created by humans who followed satan's orders. Such satanic and pagan feast days are: Valentine's Day, Easter, Christmas, Carnival and Halloween, just to name a few big ones. Do not be blinded by the world celebrating them and acting crazy. It is not a feast day of the Lord. Do not be fooled by Easter and by the Pope saying the Easter prayer. It has nothing to do with Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection. They partly are occult feast days that have been created to praise Satan but not the Lord Jesus Christ. We want to explain their heritage to you so that you know the background story of each feast day. 


Valentine's Day:

The historical background of this pagan holiday lies in the pagan antique times: "The tradition to give each other flowers goes way back; in antique Rome people honored the goddess Juno, the guardian of marriage and family. Women were given flowers on that day." So if there is a special someone in your life, show them you love them every day, not just once a year. This day has nothing to do with Cupid or any other Angel.



The word for Easter in Latin is also "Pascha" as it is "Passah" in Hebrew, but it has nothing to do with the actual resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus never colored eggs or cuddled with bunnies. This tradition comes from the old Egyptians. On Easter they used to praise the goddess Astarte/Ashtar and organize for "Fertility Orgies". After hundreds of years of wrong teachings and wrong descent many different versions of Easter practices have appeared, which maybe even were created with good intentions, but do not praise the Most High in heaven. This is also the reason, why the word Easter is never mentioned in scripture. The companion piece of Easter on which Vatican City always relies on is the jewish holiday of Passah. At Passah the jewish people think of the Israelites who escaped the Egyptians with God's guidance through Moses while God let the Israelites wander through the deserts for 40 years. The misunderstanding that Jesus was raised from the dead that day has been added later so that people, especially Christians, would "buy into it" and also celebrate this pagan holiday.



Halloween takes place one day before All Saints Day, but even All Saints Day has nothing to do with God, just as Halloween doesn't have anything to do with Christ. Halloween is not from God and it is not for him. Some people actually believe that this feast day exists "just for fun" - but unfortunately nothing in this world, where the spiritual realm is as real as this reality, exists "just for fun". Halloween is the feast day of Satan himself. He loves it (testimony of John Ramirez former Satanist) "when people dress up for him". People think it is simply fun to have cards laid out for them, to go see fortune tellers, try ouija boards and even try to contact demons by channeling or any similar witchcraft. But those things are all forbidden in the Bible - and that has a very specific reason. Demons exist. They are as real as you are. You just can't see them all the time. There are some people in this world who have a very special gift to also see the spiritual realm with their own eyes and they all tell the same stories. It's not fun. As a Christian you should never celebrate any satanic holiday, not even go to a Halloween party. If you love the Lord your God, then don't do it. He wants to save you from the devil's hands. The heritage of Halloween can be traced back for many thousand years. But the modern version of this "feast" is actually traced back to the 1830s in Ireland, where it had a connection to the Celtics and had relations to pagan and celtic tradtions like the Samhain Feast. In general the belief is that you have to dress up like a demon to escape demons by making them think you're one of them. Do you really think that God would ever want something like that from you?



We don't think that anyone has to explain Christmas ever. Ever since we were little we were being taught that Christmas is for celebrating the birth of Baby Jesus, but this is just simply wrong, it's almost blasphemic. Jesus was not born in December, he was born in Spring, around the time of Passah in Bethlehem. Vatican City and many religous kings in Europe have created relations to Jesus in the early middle ages, so that people would be prepared to accept Christmas. On December 25th people actually celebrate the birth of the death star Saturn, without even knowing it. In some traditions it is also the birth of Jupiter. But still it is wrong to think that Jesus was born on December 25th. It is understandable that many families are grateful for this holiday as they get the time to spend with their loved ones as also everyone is on holiday then. But all year long people are selfish and arrogant and ignorant and then all of a sudden on Christmas they develop a caring and giving spirit? This is never the right way and God knows and sees what is in your heart and in the heart of every other human being on this planet. Please think twice before you but up a green tree in your home to praise a pagan God. 

How are God's Feast Days even celebrated?

Passah / Feast of Unleavened Bread:


Passah is being celebrated from 15th to the 22nd, and in Israel until the 21st Nisan (first month of the year according to God's calendar). It is a family feast with various spiritual rituals like Seder and the eating of unleavened bread for one week. Therefore it is called "Feast of Unleavened Bread". After Jesus' resurrection the Feast of Unleavened Bread symbolized that not only the household needs to be cleaned but also your body and spirit. Just as Jesus took away the sin from the world and washed us clean with his blood, believers are supposed to keep their house as well as their body and mind clean. 


The actual Feast of Passah starts with an evening service in the Synagogue, which is followed by a big dinner with the family: called Seder ("Order"). Certain meals with a symbolic meaning are then being eaten in a very specific order. While eating, the leader of Seder reads equivalent Bible Verses and explanations out of the Passah Liturgy (Haggada), which explain the meaning of each meal. After having eaten the symbolic meals, the actual dinner follows. In specific intervals, four glasses of wine are served, which symbolize God's promises: he wanted to lead his children of Israel out of Egypt, rescue them and set them free and take them in as His own nation. During Seder the family sings praise songs and songs of gratefulness. At the end of Seder the family sings a Chad Gadja (a specific song).


Passah is - more than any other Feast of God - a family feast, where all family members remember the original traditions of their heritage and reinforce them. Everyone is supposed to feel like they have been lead out of Egypt by the Lord and is about to tell his/her children about it. This memory is supposed to keep the identity and cohesion of the nation of Israel, through all dispersion and prosecution.


Therefore all leavened foods are consumed, given away or sold beforehand. The house is cleaned down to the last crumb. Chametz, which was forgotten and later discovered, may no longer be used and is therefore discarded. Found (or similar-given) Chametz may also be sold, and will be bought back at the end of Pessachs (the material possession does not necessarily change). Glassware is watered for three days (changed every 24 hours). Iron equipment (pots, cutlery) is boiled and thus koshered properly (kosher produced). In many homes there are dishes and utensils especially for Passover. All kitchen accessories of other materials such as wood, porcelain, earthenware, plastic and so on are locked away during the festival. At the conclusion of this house cleaning ritual is a candle in every corner of the apartment gives light after residual Chametz. This is reminiscent of the biblical tradition, because the Israelites had to move out of Egypt so quickly, that they didn't have time to pack all their things and belongings (Exodus Chapter 12, Verse 34). During this eight day feast believers are only allowed to eat unleavened bread. The Matzo are very thin flatbreads, made only of flour and water; without yeast crispy. The overall production time from mixing the dough to baking it must not exceed 18 minutes to make sure the dough does not acidify under any circumstances. They are much larger than the Oblates of Christian Supper (Communion Wafers) that also have the same meaning and religous background.

Omer (mostly celebrated in Israel):


Until the destruction of the temple, Passover had a very important meaning until 16th Nisan. At this time the Omer was offered. These were the first sheaf of new grain. The Omer sheaf was cut and bundled with great effort with a fire sacrifice (Leviticus Chapter 23, Verse 12). The offering of the grain for God is supposed to bless the harvest. Only after that the actual use of the new harvest was allowed. This part of the Passover is celebrated almost exclusively in Israel itself.



Yizkor (mostly celebrated in Israel):


On the last festival day of Passover, deceased family members are remembered within the Yizkor prayer. The living pray for the dead (remembered, NOT worshipped). Believers should reflect on the fragility and nothingness of man. They promise in each section of the prayer, to donate to charity and Torah education. The aim of this prayer is that God complaisantly thinks of the souls of deceased relatives. This prayer is spoken not only on the last day of Passover but also on Yom Kippur, Shawuot, and Shemini Atzeret. At the very Yizkor only those take part, who have lost one or both parents. Those whose parents are both still alive, leavethe synagogue and the prayer room during this prayer and then return after it's finished.

Pentecost / Shawuot:


After the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ, he appeared to his disciples for 40 days. After he ascended into heaven, the Holy Spirit of God came down on his community and the disciples suddenly were able to speak in a variety of unknown, languages and received wisdom through the Holy Spirit.


The week of Pentecost/Shawuot is celebrated on Sivan 6th and concludes the Spring Festival, and the festival of first fruits which include Passover and the Omer (as described above). The synagogue is adorned, because on this day it symbolizes the Sinai. The Ten Commandments are central to the Torah reading. They are read to the accompaniment of a particular melody, and while they are being read, the whole community is standing. For this section a rabbi or some other leading parishioner is called for reading out of the Torah. Previously, a prayer is said in Aramaic, accompanied by a particular melody, the Akdamut. With it, you ask to speak permission to even begin the Torah reading. Traditionally, milk is drunk, milky food (pancakes with cottage cheese, cheesecake, etc.) and honey are eaten, because the reading of the Torah is compared to people drinking their milk eagerly, like an innocent child. The Ten Commandments are the Shawuot's greatest focus.

Rosch Ha-Shana // Jewish New Year:


This is the festival that is also called "Head of the Year" or easier to understand as "New Year". It falls to the Jewish or divine calendar on Tishri 1st, which according to the Gregorian calendar (the one we use today) is in September or in the first half of October. The precise date in the Gregorian calendar varies from year to year because the divine calendar anticipates twelve lunar months lasting 29-30 days. To bring the 354 or 355 days with a solar year in line, approximately every three years an entire leap month is inserted. The Rosh Ha-Shanah happens 163 days after Passover, and also corresponds to Yom Hadin, the Day of Judgement.


Enjoyment of honey cake, zimmes (diced or slices of carrots), grapes, sweet wine and apple slices dipped in honey symbolize the hope for a good, sweet year. Also a piece of fish or a sheep's head accompanied with the words "May it be thy will, that we are the head and not the tail" are eaten. Another custom is the eating of pomegranates, that contain many nuclei. For this it is said: "May it be thy will, that our rights are increasing like pomegranates." In Yiddish-speaking communities carrots are eaten accompanied with the words "May it be thy will, that our rights are increasing". Sometimes dates are eaten, while saying: "May it be your will, that our detractors and accusers perish." The blessing after the service is "Leschana Towa Tikatewu" or on Ashkenazi "Leschono Tauwo Tikossejwu" ("may you be inscribed for a good year"). Before Rosh Ha-Shanah the graves of deceased relatives and "righteous ones" are being visited in order to be inspired by their memory and the memory of their lives for the coming year. In the morning before the New Year a morning prayer, the "debonding of vows" is being told (in front of three believers who form a "court" for this purpose).

Yom Kippur / Day of Atonement:


Yom Kippur (literally "day of sin") is celebrated in the fall; in September or October on 10th Tishri and starts by fasting. Yom Kippur takes place 10 days after Rosh Ha-Shanah, and forms one of the three high holidays of the Lord. For women of over 12 and men of over 13 years Yom Kippur begins with the fasting and lasts 25 hours - from sunset on the first day to sunset on the following day. Neither solid nor liquid food is being eaten. It's the only fast day, which can also begin on a Sabbath. The other fasting days are moved accordingly if they should fall on a Sabbath. In addition to Yom Kippur there is the prohibition of sexual activity. Faithful Jews (because this celebration is mainly still respected by Jewish people) do not wear leather shoes and only dress in white. It is considered impolite to eat or to listen to music in public on this day. There is neither radio playing nor any television programs running. Israel is basically "paralyzed" on this day which the hostile Islamic and Arab nations use in their favor to attack Israel - like Syria and Egypt did in 1973 and began the Yom Kippur War

Feast of Tabernacles / Sukkot:


The Sukkot occurs five days after Yom Kippur and lasts seven days (from 15th - 21st Tishri). Earlier it was during Sukkot when Tabernacles were built with branches and straw, mostly in backyards or parking lots or wherever there was enough space. Mainly a Tabernacle had to be built under the "open" sky. The meals on those days were, if the weather allowed it, eaten in those hand-made and self-built Tabernacles for the following seven days. Particularly law-abiding Jews even stay in the self-built Tabernacles for the night. Jewish communities usually create a Tabernacle for the entire community, as a place of worship for the Lord and other receptions during this one week of Sukkot.


Today, the Feast of Tabernacles is celebrated very differently. Based on the ancient harvest festival and in association with rain and fertility ceremonies, special robes during the Feast of Tabernacles are worn to worship in the synagogue (Arba'a Minim). They consist of a hard bound of ostrich palm branches, three myrtle and two willow branches, which are carried in the right hand, and a variety of citron, which are held in the left hand. The robes of the Hallel prayer are turned in six directions, first east, then south, then west, then north, up and finally down. At the end of worship the Torah scrolls are carried to the lectern and followed by those who are present to the ceremony. On the seventh day, the last day, there isn't only one parade but seven parades taking place while praying for a good harvest.

8th Day of the Feast of Tabernacles / 8th Day of Sukkot / Shmini Azeret:


This celebration is mentioned in the Bible several times, as in Leviticus Chapter 23, Verse 36 and Numbers Chapter 29, Verse 35: "On the eighth day come to large festive gathering together; all work must rest on this day.", as in the description of the inauguration of Solomon's temple in Jerusalem (2 Chronicles Chapter 7, Verse 9-10) and in the celebration after the return of the Jews from the Babylonian Exile (Nehemiah Chapter 8, Verse 18). According to current practice the last meals of that feast are partially eaten in the Sukka (Tabernacles).